
Loan Products


Learn something more about our Loan Products

Overdraft Loan

Our overdraft loan allows you to overdraw on your account and use up to 3 months to repay.

Advance Loan

These are loans given to our members who wish to pay their loan as a one-off payment because of the nature of their cash flows. The interest rate is very…

Corporate Loan

Our corporate loans are given to small and medium-size enterprises to expand their businesses with a competitive interest rate and the repayment period of up to 48 months.

Auto Loan

Our auto loans, gives you the opportunity to purchase or be a car owner. A member who wants an Auto loan must have 40% of the car value in his…

Instant Loan

This loan product allows our members to take a loan amount instantly which is not more than their savings balance. This loan product helps our members to build their credit…

Microfinance Loan

Gives our members the opportunity to form a group between five (5) to ten (10). Members of the group must be in the same line of trade and acquire a…

Personal Loan

Our normal loans are given to our members, who save regularly and with regular income to meet personal needs. The interest rates are competitive and the repayment period is up…

Emergency Loan

Emergency loans are given to our members to recover unexpected expenses and unforeseen recurrences and our interest rate is very attractive.

Susu Loans

After a required period of contribution, our susu customers can qualify for a loan. This loan is to help customers to expand their small businesses and also as a capital…

Salary Loans

This loan product is designed for salaried workers and interest rate is very competitive.

Special Loans

We give out this loans to registered businesses, companies and churches for expansion with attractive Interest rate and negotiated terms and conditions.

Controller Loans

Controller loan is designed for all government workers who take their salaries through the controller and accountant general`s department. Loan repayment is deducted at source.